15 Ways To Prevent Eye Strain From Screens and Devices

In today’s world, most of us spend several hours a day looking at screens on our computers, phones, tablets, and other devices. This can lead to a common problem known as computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain. Symptoms include eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, neck and shoulder pain. While screens are clearly here to stay, there are steps you can take to prevent or reduce eye strain and discomfort. Here are some tips:

1. Follow the 20-20-20 Rule

This simple technique can significantly reduce eye strain. Every 20 minutes, take a 20 second break and look at something 20 feet away. This relaxes your eye muscles which hold your focus on the screen. Looking into the distance also encourages blinking which keeps eyes lubricated. Set a timer or use an app to remind yourself to follow this rule.

2. Adjust Screen Brightness

Having screen brightness set too high forces your eyes to work harder. Aim to match the brightness of your screen to the brightness of your room. Use night modes on devices when working in dim lighting. Adjusting brightness helps reduce eye strain and fatigue.

3. Increase Text Size

Small text is a common cause of strained eyes when reading digitally. Be sure to increase text size on phones, tablets, e-readers and laptops for comfortable reading. Most devices have settings that allow you to easily do this. Larger text reduces squinting and effort to focus.

4. Check Your Screen Angle

Screens positioned below eye level can cause sore neck and shoulders. Aim to position the top of your screen at or slightly below eye level. This helps promote better posture and less strain on the eyes caused by looking down. If using a laptop, elevate it to the proper height by using a stand or stack of books.

5. Minimize Glare

Glare from indoor and outdoor light sources can create strain. If possible, use screens perpendicular to windows to minimize glare. Invest in an anti-glare screen cover or filter if needed. Position work stations so that the light source is not directly behind or facing the screen.

6. Keep Screens Clean

Dirty screens filled with dust, fingerprints and smudges make it hard for eyes to focus and cause squinting. Keep your screens clean and smudge-free by using anti-static cloths or screen cleaning wipes. Setting screens to automatically lock and turn off helps limit how often screens need cleaning.

7. Use Proper Lighting

Too much or too little light around your screen can impact eyestrain. Avoid working in dark rooms or directly under bright lights. Use indirect, moderate lighting for best results. Try using a desk lamp or investing in backlit keyboards and screens to make screen use more comfortable on your eyes.

8. Blink Frequently

Blinking coats eyes with lubricating tears and prevents dryness. Focused screen use leads to less frequent blinking. Purposely blink often to moisten eyes and reduce irritation. Spend time periodically looking away from the screen to blink naturally.

9. Stay Hydrated

Drinking adequate water is not only healthy for your body, but also benefits tired eyes. Staying hydrated keeps your eyes functioning optimally and feeling refreshed. Aim for the recommended daily intake of water to support all of your body’s systems, including your vision.

10. Use Lubricating Eye Drops

If your eyes feel dry and irritated from extended screen time, use over-the-counter lubricating eye drops. These provide temporary relief for tired eyes caused by intense visual focus. Apply as needed per the product instructions. However, see a doctor if dryness persists despite using drops.

11. Take Regular Breaks

Giving your eyes frequent breaks is key to preventing eye strain from screens and devices. Step away from the screen at least once an hour, even for just a minute or two. Look out a window into the distance or do eye stretches and exercises. Breaks allow your eyes to re-focus and recover.

12. Get Regular Eye Exams

Have your vision checked annually or as recommended by your eye doctor. Getting the proper prescription lenses and update can maximize visual clarity and comfort. Discuss your digital device use with your optometrist and any eye discomfort you are experiencing.

13. Adjust Your Workstation Setup

An ergonomic workstation setup reduces strain on the eyes and body. Position your screen an arm’s length away and slightly below eye level. Use a document holder placed next to the screen to reduce glancing back and forth. Adjust your chair height so feet are flat on the floor and knees bent at 90 degrees.

14. Use Screen Filters and Protectors

Consider applying an anti-glare filter or protector to your screen. These filter out some of the blue light emitted which can cause eyestrain. Blue light blocking glasses are another option if you spend many hours on digital devices.

15. Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes

Rubbing your eyes may seem like a tempting way to soothe tired eyes. However, this can actually irritate eyes more and worsen any swelling. Rinse eyes with cool water or use a compress instead for relief. Also be careful not to touch your eyes with unwashed hands which can spread bacteria.

In this digital age, eye strain from screens is extremely common. Implementing these prevention tips and listening to your body can help keep your eyes feeling good. Be sure to discuss any persistent eye discomfort, pain or changes in vision with your optometrist. With some minor adjustments and care, you can keep your eyes healthy while enjoying screens and devices.

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